
To A Better World

Amidst a time of illness, a time of aggression,
racism, hatred, fear, a time of political distress,
selfishness, prejudice, a time of losing jobs,
homes, loved ones, a time of death and disregard
for life— there is, despite the darkness, hope.
There are still times of love and care
times of gentleness, of selflessness
times of helping hands and gratitude
times of consideration for strangers and neighbors
times of laughter during ordinary moments
times of connectivity through experiencing the
same uncertainty with everyone in the world.
There are rare times when all of humanity
shares the same page even if only for a moment
before change revises it all.
It is during these times of transition that the
contrast between good and evil sharpens
and the pencil is placed back
into the hands of the people
to mix and make sense of the
gray areas together…
a time to speak a better world into existence.

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